
I am knee deep in babies. Between my own almost-four-month-old son and my six-month-old nephew, I am completely immersed in goo’s and gaa’s. My memory has turned to mush. My body is no longer mine. I am mama hear me . . . not roar. Babble? I refuse to recognize myself in the mirror. My latest fashion is prenatal clothing (yes, still) accessorized in spit up.

Don’t get me wrong, I love [almost] every moment. My baby is intoxicating. One snuggle sends me to a place no substance ever could. If all I did was breathe in his scent and rub my cheek against his head all day long, my life would be complete.

And then he starts crying.

Life is not all rainbows and butterflies.

I love my mamaness. As much as I need adult conversation, the stimulation of new ideas, and the pursuit of possibility, my mamaness is the most important part of my life. Just shh, don’t let me say that too loud.


love, JAMEY

