Books for Babies’ Big Minds

Books can take the mind to any place, any time—and even, on occasion, in between place and time. I can’t think of a more appropriate gift for a baby than books.

No, babies can’t read. But boy, do their minds absorb everything they encounter! I wanted to buy a collection of books for my son and nephew that we can read to them for many years, and that they can read once they learn how.

A la Maria Popova at Brain Pickings (one of my favorite places on the web), and the Boing Boing gift guide, I found these beautiful children’s books, each with an important lesson.

My son and nephew will be getting a great start in life with these books. I can’t wait to start reading to them!

Daytime Visions: An Alphabet by Isol.
The Polar Bear and The Blue Whale by Jenni Desmond
What Can I Be? by Ann Rand
Du Iz Zak? by Carson EllisPinocchio: The Origin Story by Alessandro Sanna
I Want My Hat Back, This Is Not My Hat, and We Found a Hat by Jon Klassen
A Child of Books by Oliver Jeffers
What Color Is the Wind? by Anne Herbauts
The Sound of Silence by Katrina Goldsaito
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Wild by Emily Hughes
You Are Stardust by Elin Kelsey
Words by Christoff Neimann
Where Children Sleep by James Mollison

love, JAMEY

