Some Goals

So I am supposed to set some goals.

Well, the main goal of doing this writing challenge is to get me into the habit of posting regularly to my new blog. I am really excited to blog, and I want to establish some momentum.

Another goal is for me to work past my fear of being seen. My fear of failing. My fear of putting out mediocre work. This writing is supposed to be off the cuff. Gulp.

Another goal is to improve my writing. I want to write more than well. Sure, I know where the punctuation goes and how to keep my subjects in agreement. But I want so much more. I want to evoke emotion. I want people to nod when they read my words. I want them to pause. I want them to reread that last line. Maybe even write it down. So I have a lot of work to do. I have reading to do and writing to do. Here I am writing. I hope to learn something along the way.

Another goal is for me to connect with like-minded individuals. That’s an in indirect goal becuase its the goal of my blog, in general.

Another goal is to inform. I know a couple things, and I’d like for that knowledge to be useful on a wider basis. I love digging into the science about certain topics—nutrition and health, in particular. I would love to help people better understand natural health from an evidence-based stand point. How to do this without sounding stuffy is a yearslong goal of mine.

Another goal is for me to figure out how I want to blog. Everyone says, “Find a niche and stick with it,” but that’s not me. I have a few interests I’d like to blog about, as well as about my life in general. I don’t want to stick with a niche. So I won’t be following any rules, maybe to my detriment. I want this to be an exploratory process. Maybe it will lead to a niche, who knows. But I want it to feel like discovery, at least for now.

My goals move from 30-day-challenge-focused to blog-focused. It’s a continuum. This challenge is my jumping off point. My runway before takeoff. My cheering squad.

I need a cheering squad to get me past that point when words fail me yet I must keep going. But I need a discerning mind to transform a conversation about word count into a conversation about life. How do I face the moment when anxiety kicks in. How do I face my inferiority complex? What do I do in the face of failure? I am supposed to seek out failure so that I can grow, but I have forever cowered from those moments. I know better, theoretically. I know a lot theoretically.

I am now in search of the experience. At least, theoretically.

One goal is to move past my theories and out into the world.

love, JAMEY

